Global Affairs

Op-Ed blog

a group of people standing next to each other on a sidewalk
November 13, 2023

The principles of self-defence and proportionality in international law: the case of war between Israel and Hamas

The principles of self-defence and proportionality in international law: the case of war between Israel and Hamas The recent explosion of war…

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calm body of water under gray concrete bridge

If the final solution in the Balkans is delayed

In these days, when the international community has focused on Ukraine and Gaza wars, the other agendas have remained in the background….

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Panoply Journal
November 8, 2023

Panoply Journal Volume 4

📢 Exciting News! Our latest issue of Panoply Journal is out now! Explore the latest research in International Relations and International Security…

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six fighter jets
October 26, 2023

Flashpoints 2023

Earlier this year, there was a total focus on the conflict in Ukraine, with daily news reports on the current situation on…

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gray aircraft
October 22, 2023

Global polıtıcal polarızatıon and proxy wars

The world is witnessing a new cold war that is reshaping the global order and increasing the risk of a major conflict….

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flags hanging on roof during daytime
October 8, 2023

The operation Al-Aqsa Storm and the repercussions on Israel and the Middle East

The surprise attack of Hamas on Israeli soil at dawn of October 7th that has allowed the terror militants to have control…

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