Global Affairs

Op-Ed blog

European Union Flag and Balkan relations
February 23, 2023

The Balkans are not just a geographical region- EU’s outlook on the Balkans

“It will be in the interest of Europe to fasten the positive scenario of gathering the Balkans under the EU and NATO…

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protests in Iran
January 12, 2023

Ideological collapse in Iran

“The regime in Iran has entered a period of ideological collapse that will mark a political and social turning point in Iran’s…

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Biden administration
November 29, 2022

The relationship between the Biden administration and the future Israeli government

The relationship between the Biden administration and the future Israeli government The results of the recent elections in Israel have been, and…

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Ukraine protests against Russia
November 24, 2022

Ukraine crisis, a proposal for settlement

Ukraine crisis, a proposal for settlement The recent events in the Ukraine-Russia war have culminated in the recapture of Kherson by Kiev’s…

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people standing on sidewalk holding blue and white banner
November 7, 2022

China and The Uyghur Genocide- Here’s what you should know (2022)

“The stain of the century in human rights violations is taking place in Western China today” (secretary of state Micheal R. Pompeo,…

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August 16, 2022

Afghanistan, 1 Year On.

A sight unseen, a reality unraveling- the television screen lit up with the face of unkempt men with long beards in plain…

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